
"Thank you very much Dana for helping me to find a new club and thanks for being patient to answer all my questions and clear all details.its great that we have such a person as a manager in table tennis!"

Polina Mikhailova

Ruská reprezentantka, 43. hráčka světového žebříčku, bronzová medailistka z driužstev a dvouhry žen z Mistrovství Evropy o svém přestupu v březnu 2018 do TT Saint Quentin.

"I had a pleasure to work this season with Dana Cechova and I could measure once again her reactivity, her professionalism and her perfect knowledge of players."

Eric Hennemann

Prezident TT Saint Quentin o přestupu hráček Zhang Mo (WR 25.) a Poliny Mikhailove (WR 45.) v březnu 2018.

"Thanks a lot to Dana that helps me find a really good offer."

Zhang Mo

Reprezentantka Kanady, 25. hráčka světového žebříčku o svém přestupu do klubu TTC Saint Quentin – Liga mistrň a PRO A Francie v březnu 2018.

"It happened this season that I was forced to looking for club in the end of the June. Dana manage to find me a club so I can stay on track , therefore I am glad to take a moment to show my deep appreciation to her job. Besides I see Dana as highly professional and responsible manager so I would recommend everyone to not hesitate to appeal for her assistance."

Alexandra Privalova

Přestup na poslední chvíli, v červenci 2017, do Italského klubu Tennistavolo Norbello.

"She is a really great agent and a good person as well, who really cares and wants to help you. From all agents I know, she is much much better than others! Thank you a lot!"

Anna Rossikhina

Přestup v květnu 2017 z Ruska do National 1 a Pro A do klubu Poitiers TT ACC 86.

"I was sure of you when I asked you for help in finding a club. Thank you so much Dana, you so quickly helped find me good club. Strong league, good team and beautiful country. Thank you."

Olga Kim

Uzbecká reprezentantka o svém přestupu z uzbeckého hlavního města Taškentu do portugalského klubu Juncal Grupo Desportivo v červnu 2017. Olga bude v klubu trénovat a žít v průběhu celé sezony.

"It is professional Manager. We are very happy with the cooperation with Dana."

ATS Bialystok

Karol Dyszkiewicz – trenér a manažer ATS Bialystok o přestupu Litevky Baskutyte do ATS Bialystok.

"Thank you Dana for helping me find the club for next season.I appreciate your determination and availability to find best for me."

Andreea Golovanov Dodean

Rumunská reprezentantka. Přestoupila z první italské ligy do TTC Villach v Rakousku v květnu 2017.

"Thank you for helping to find the club for me. You are a very responsible intermediary for my contract and the club. Let me know how to sign a good contract. "

Lisa Lung

Reprezentantka Belgie, Mistryně Evropy ve čtyřhře v kategorii U21 v roce 2016 o svém přestupu do Pro B do klubu Schiltigheim SU TT ve Francii v květnu 2017.

"Our club was looking for a new player for the upcoming season. Right away Dana provided a number of players with the required capabilities. Within days we had an agreement with a new player."

Thomas Bienert

Manažer SG Marßel Bremen o přestupu Katariny Belopotočanové (SVK) do Regionalligy v květnu 2017.